B2B Introduction

I am a British commercial solicitor. I am currently taking a break from my career and teaching English at Hongik University in Seoul, Republic of South Korea.

I really love cycling and want to do something really special. I am planning to cycle from Bangkok to Bali in December – January 2008 – 2009 for Patti Boulaye’s charity, Support for Africa.

The theme of B2B is overcoming adversity. I decided upon the Expedition for a number of personal reasons not least that it is possible to overcome despite adversity if you try hard enough.

I have searched the internet and as far as I am aware, this challenge has never been undertaken before and is therefore fairly unique.

Depending on the route I take, the distance will be somewhere between 2,500 – 3,500 miles. Anyhow, the overall distance covered will be more than this year’s Tour de France!

The whole point of the expedition is to do it with as little ‘on the ground’ support as possible. It is a true road trip in the Kerouac sense.

Any fool can cycle that distance with enough time and enough support. I just want to take the absolute essentials i.e. one change of clothing, passport, credit card and sun block. Deodorant and underpants increase weight! It is important to me to retain the purity of the challenge.



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